The “OnFire Cafe” Book Club series “The Study of Scripture”. Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series. Join us here for The Letters of Paul. We begin it here with The Book of Romans – Part One, The Letter to the Church of Rome. The Videos contain the narration of the Chapters with images. The series is being uploaded on all the “OnFire Cafe” Channels for easy access.
Summary: The Book of Romans – Part One
Romans 1, Romans 2, Romans 3, Romans 4, Romans 5, Romans 6

The Letter of Paul to the Church in Rome
Paul begins describing himself as a servant and an apostle of Christ. He confirms that Jesus Christ is the Son of God described in the promise of the prophets in the holy scriptures. From whom he received grace and apostleship. Pointing out that there are those in Rome who are also called of Christ. He wishes them grace and peace.
Thanksgiving and Prayer
Paul thanks God through Christ that our faith is spoken throughout the world. He declares that he makes mention of Rome in his prayers. Making requests that he might have a prosperous journey to them by the will of God. That each may be comforted by the other in their mutual faith. He declares he is ready to preach the Gospel to the Rome.
Salvation by Faith
The Theme Stated
The Gospel is the power of God unto Salvation for everyone that believes. To the Jew First and also to the Greek. The Gospel of God is revealed from faith to faith. And the just shall live by Faith.
A. The Retribution of God against Gentile and Jew
God’s Retribution against the Gentiles
The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth of unrighteousness. God has shown man the truth. Man is without excuse. Man changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator. That when man knew God, he glorified him not. For this reason, God gave them up to a reprobate mind and being filled with all unrighteousness. Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
The Jew’s are not Exempt from the Retribution of God

For these men who judge there is no excuse. That for man by so judging another they condemn themselves for they do the same things. The judgment of God is according to truth. He will render to every man according to his deeds. Anguish will come to every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile. But glory, honor and peace to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile. He also says that there is no respect of persons with God.
The Law will not save them
Speaking to the Jews about their knowledge of the law. The Jews confidence that they are a guide of the blind having such knowledge of the law. The Jews as a light to those in darkness and as teacher and instructor. Paul asks then why they do not teach themselves. As the Jews are also not keeping the law. They teach what man should not do but also do those things themselves. Thereby they blaspheme the name of God among the Gentiles through themselves.
Circumcision will not save them
Circumcision is confirmed as being under the law. They are circumcised if they keep the law. But if they do not keep the law, it is as though they have become uncircumcised. It is suggested also that if the Gentile keeps the righteousness of the law he shall be counted as circumcision. A comparison is made circumcision of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter. Whose praise is not of men, but of God.
God’s promises will not save them

Paul summarizes the advantages of being a Jew stating that unto them were committed the oracles of God. He discusses belief and disbelief and how that affects them.
All are Guilty
Jews and Gentiles alike are all sinners. There are none righteous, not a single one. There are none that can understand and none that can seek after God. They all lose their way and there is not one that can do only good. By the deeds of the law there is no justification in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
B. Faith and the Judgement of God
The Revelation of God’s Judgement
Beginning with the righteousness of God without the law is manifested. Then Discussing righteousness of God by faith in Jesus Christ unto all. But clarifying that all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. However, being justified freely by the grace through redemption that is in Christ.
What Faith Does
Man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. The scripture confirms God is of both Jews and Gentiles. God shall justify the circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith.
Abraham Justified by Faith

Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. To him that work is the reward of debt. But to him that does not work but believes, his faith is counted for righteousness.
Justified before Circumcision
Paul discusses the meaning of the circumcision and uncircumcision as it relates to ones standing with God. He discusses an uncircumcised Abraham and a seal of righteousness of the faith.
Not Justified by Obedience to the Law
The promises made by God to Abraham concerning his heirs was not through the law but through the righteousness of faith. Ultimately the promise is by Grace.
Abrahams Faith a Model of Christian Faith
The promises to Abraham through his faith were not for Abraham alone. In fact, they were for us also if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead. Who was delivered for our sins and raised again for our justification.
Faith Guarantees Salvation

Speaking now about Jesus Christ and his love for us Paul speaks about our justification by his blood. Saved from wrath through him. Reconciliation to God by the death of his Son and saved by his life. And find joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement.
A. Deliverance from Sin and Death and Law
Adam and Jesus Christ
When Paul speaks of Adam he is clear that by one man sin entered the world. Death by sin was passed upon all men. Death reined from Adam to Moses. One that sinned brought death to many, so is the gift of grace and righteousness that by one man, Jesus Christ, eternal life has abounded to many.

Paul asks questions to provoke consideration. Since we have grace should we then continue in sin? He points out that as we were baptized into Jesus Christ we were baptized into his death. Therefore, we are buried with him, and we will also like him walk in the resurrection of life. That by knowing that our sin was crucified with his death freeing us from sin, we should no longer serve sin. That he dies unto sin once and now lives unto God. We also should be dead to sin and alive unto God through Christ.
Holiness, not Sin, to be the Master
In summary sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace.
The Christian is Freed from the Slavery of Sin
Though we were the servants of sin we have obeyed from the heart the doctrine that was given to us. And therefore, are made free from sin as we became servants of righteousness.
The Reward of Sin and the Reward of Uprightness
The wage of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Christian is Freed from Slavery to the Law

Only portions of the scripture are represented in the written summaries however, the narration on the video includes the books in their entirety.
For the Love of God!
Paul’s opinions are controversial considering the narratives of today’s mainstream opinions. But Paul did not care about public opinions as he himself tells us he is being led by the divine. He is inspired by the Holy Spirit. His ministry is something important to be considered!