The “OnFire Cafe” Book Club series “The Study of Scripture”. Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series. Join us here for a Narration Trilogy on “The Book of Hebrews”. We begin here with The Book of Hebrews – Part One. The Videos contain the narration of the Chapters with images for your entertainment. The series is being uploaded on all the “OnFire Cafe” Channels for easy access.
The Letter to the Hebrews
Summary; The Book of Hebrews – Part One
Hebrews 1, Hebrews 2, Hebrews 3, Hebrews 4, Hebrews 5 & Hebrews 6
The Greatness of the Incarnate Son of God
God appoints his son Jesus Christ as heir of all things by whom he made the worlds. Also stating that he is the express image of his person. Declaring that he sits at the right hand of God.
The Son is Greater than the Angels
Proof from the Scriptures
The argument is made that nowhere in scripture does God say to the Angels that they are his son and he is their father. But when he brings his firstbegotten into the world he does say that the Angels should worship him. But to his son he says that his throne is forever and that the sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of his kingdom. He continues bringing to our attention that at no point does God say to the Angels to sit at his righthand until he makes their enemies their footstool.
An Exhortation
He warns that we should be paying closer attention to what we have heard, what we have been told as spoken by the Lord. For how should we escape if we neglect that which is needed for our salvation. God also bore witness with signs and wonders, with diverse miracles and with gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Redemption Brought by Christ not by Angels
He speaks to Jesus being put a little lower than the Angels because he had to die to save our sins. Therefore, death was necessary putting Jesus in a slightly lower position than those Angels who are eternal. However, the Angels are put in subjection under the Son of God.
It is through Christ Jesus that many sons are brought to Glory. And the captain of their salvation is made perfect through his suffering. For he that sanctifies and those that have been sanctified become one. He is not ashamed to call man his brethren. He joins with them in the church to sing praises unto the Heavenly Father. And as flesh and blood he joins us so that through death he will destroy him who has the power over death, the devil.
Through this act he frees man from the bondage of death. He chose to take on the nature of mankind not the nature of the Angels. He therefore becomes the merciful and faithful high priest in all things pertaining to God.
Jesus the Faithful and Merciful High Priest
Christ Higher than Moses
Jesus is faithful as he was appointed as high priest to the heavenly Father. He is faithful as also Moses was faithful to his house. For Jesus as this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses. For he is the builder of the house and worthy of more through creation.
Christ is the son of his own house, which is those of us who keep steadfast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope firm until the end.
How to Reach God’s Land of Rest
He speaks of God’s people forced into the wilderness for forty years due to their disobedience to God’s will. They erred in their hearts and did not know God’s ways. So in his wrath he did not allow them his rest. A warning to take heed against an evil heart and against unbelief.
Hear the voice of God through his teaching and harden not your hearts. Be faithful in all things to the end as partakers of Christ and you will find God’s rest.
Therefore, you should fear coming short of what is expected of you to avoid the wrath of God. For the Gospel is preached now as it was to them. But it did not profit them without being mixed with the faith of those who hear it. For only those who believe will enter into God’s rest. So let us all stay focused and labor to be worthy of entrance into God’s rest. Do not fall short with the previous examples of the unbelief.
For the power of the Word of God is Great, and sharper than any two edged sword. It is the discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. All things are naked and opened unto his eyes.
Jesus the Compassionate High Priest
He speaks to Jesus as a High Priest who has stood where we are. He was tempted like as we are but stands without sin. We are urged therefore to come boldly to the throne of Grace that we may find mercy and grace in our time of need.
The high priest taken from men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God. Compassion for the suffering of others is intensified through suffering. And with his suffering and death he offered himself to God in payment for all of our sins. And as the Son of God was taught obedience through his suffering and death. Through which he as made perfect and became the author of the salvation of all those who obey him. Called of God a high priest of the order of Melchisedec.
The Authentic Priesthood of Jesus Christ
Christian Life and Theology
He speaks of how man has been dull of hearing so there is more to be said. That though we should be mature in our understanding and belief we are like babes in need of milk. We should be on solid food but are still in need of milk. With all this time we should be teachers of the principles of God but instead we need to be taught again.
But those who have understood and are on solid food have gained the ability to discern good from evil.
The Author Explains his Intentions
He talks about the doctrines of Christ and moving on to perfection. Discussing the foundation of repentance. But also warning of the impossibilities of being saved again after blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. If one has been enlightened by the Holy Spirit and shown the truth but then decides not to believe it is impossible to then be redeemed again. For they have abandoned the payment given by Christ for their sins. And disrespected his sacrifice. Thereby bearing thorns and briers which are then rejected by God.
Words of Hope and Encouragement
God remembers your hard work and labors of Love which you have done in his name. It is desirable that everyone of us show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end. Be not slothful but be diligent through faith and patience you will inherit the promises.
Our hope we have as an anchor of the soul. Sure and steadfast to that which enters into the veil…
We hope you enjoyed the first episode in our Trilogy The Book of Hebrews, beginning here with the The Book of Hebrews – Part One. It was a delight to put together for you and I hope it brings you the joy that it brought to me.
For the Love of God,