About the Café... Welcome, come join us as we step into God’s Word like fire to try to understand what this life is all about. Come walk down a Christian path with us as we are reaching out for a new understanding. Here there are no official Pastors or Church leaders trained up to deliver the message. Just folks like you who might have something important to say. We are “On Fire” for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Let us share our thoughts and ideas so we can learn from one another. There is a live Chat Box in most areas where we can have live discussion. We have blog posts, links to articles, some you tube music vids and we hope to add a live feed for the Café sometime in the future. Included are brief reviews about some of our favorite topics. We added some personal Faith Testimonies and a topic for some things we think might be Noteworthy.
No judgment here! We are all just Sinners and Lost Souls who are in need of forgiveness! Just a commitment and a work in progress trying to share love and hope to one another. So, come walk with us as we move through a life in the Spirit. We hope you will stay as we develop into a Christian outreach to the on-line community…

29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Listen, Really Listen to them! We are devoted to our Christian Worship Music Artists. Once you begin listening, really hearing the messages you are connected to the Holy Spirit in a way like never before.

Listen to the Artists, they are Spirit filled! It can help you no matter where you are in your life. It can build you a bridge to peace within the turmoil.
We have uploaded some of our favorite music vids to get things started. We have put forth our best effort to include some additional information about the Bands. Sometimes it is who they are or where they come from.
Included is a link to their website. Please support them by purchasing from them directly where you can…
What is safe content anymore? We now have services like Pureflix , Parables TV , Christian Cinema ,that we can rely on to an extent however, let’s review and share the content that we find exciting.

From the newest Christian Cinema, Movies of “the world” and even our old favorites we are here to watch and share our ideas. Lets begin some event discussions about controversial content of things that appear to be fine but have underlying messages we did not expect.
We hope to have some discussion forums coming soon. Looking for tips on what to watch? A Movie Reviews Category in the Café gives us all a reason to stay focused on movie content. So grab a bag of popcorn and settle in lets watch together…
Wouldn’t it be fun to study the “Books” of the Bible in a “Book Club”? We thought we would try to do just that at some point forward. We will also examine those that are more controversial like the lost books or books that were dropped.

We will look at them all and will be left to our own Christian decision about what does or does not have merit. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment. Don’t be left out! Begin reading now, don’t wait for us to start. The most exciting Category!
We are looking forward to beginning Group Discussions so we can debate content and learn from the Holy Spirit and from one another…Our plan is to begin this in the near future, Come join us!
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Lets talk about some controversial content. As the enemy keeps us asleep Is there someone out there screaming trying to get our attention? Conditioned to live in our small sphere of influence and not look beyond our own lives? Lets address some uncomfortable topics and look at some stuff together then we can decide. Let us try to stay on top of the latest trends the enemy is using to keep us compliant. We like to think of the Awakening as the New Watchers at the Gate. Notice the areas the enemy wants hidden. Don’t miss the Awakening and then Lets talk…

End Times?
Revelations, The Book of Enoch…What do we really know about the end times and the rise of the enemy in the world? The Christian scriptures are often interpreted so differently what does it all mean? The mark of the beast, the rise of the evil one, these are things we need to consider in the obvious turn the world has taken in the last decades…

Spiritual Warfare?
The Full Armor of God references the Sword of the Spirit. Make no mistake that we live in a world that is a battleground. More now than it has ever been with the introduction of the internet as a tool to influence a large population all at once. Truth seems to change based on the goals. The enemy is a liar, a deceiver who seeks to devour…

Lifting the Veil?
The truth the majority of the world sees is veiled with the deceit of the enemy. With time in the Spirit the veil is lifted, suddenly you have been allowed to see. Truth reveals itself sometimes in bits that come slowly, for others it is an overwhelming understanding. What was before is changed overnight, the definitive moment…
“in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
An area where we can share our personal life experiences and let God use them as his teaching tool. Speaking our truth for those who need to hear it…

I heard a sermon that said we are just to tell the truth about our experiences as testimony. Let God use your words for his divine purpose. It does not matter if you think your experience has merit, the Lord will bring the reasons for everything to light to those who need to be enlightened.
We do not have control over who needs it or how it should be used. After all, we know that control is an illusion. Come join us in our walk with the Spirit, God is doing things all the time that will continue to give us content to be written!
Lets take a look at some things that are Noteworthy in the world today. What is Noteworthy? Well, things that we think could be important now or could develop into topics that should be examined.

A place to comment on what is going on in the world or share some of our favorite things. Let’s bring attention to events in the world or worthy causes that require our assistance.
Be sure to comment about things that you think should be reviewed and we will do our best to give those issues some attention. Sharing together things that we think are Noteworthy…
13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

These topics and more are what the Café is all about. A Christian World View is our goal. So glad you stopped by. Please stay awhile…