Blind World?
I regret to say I spent a lot of years in my youth without understanding the truth. We are in a blind world. Believing all those things I was supposed to believe. Clouded perceptions about the truth as it should have been. For many years ignoring all the signs of evil around us. I could not feel it or see it for what it really was. The influences of a world majority with the absence of the Holy Spirit. An illusion of truth dictating the thoughts and feelings. A world that is lost…
The Control of “The World”
Blind World?

John 8:44 (KJV)
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
The Influences
It’s funny that many years ago my grandmother’s second husband was trying to tell me about the evil of the world. I never gave his words a second thought believing that the concept was just fanatical. It sounded ridiculous and I did not know what he was talking about. He used to say that television was the devil. Speaking his truth, to warn me about the influences of “the world”. Warn about manipulations of the way we think and believe. However, I was not ready to hear him…
The Programming
Programming of thought and ideas takes place from a very young age. It’s shaping us through television and media. Until recently I did not realize just how young it begins. The creation of those animated films intended for children deserve a closer scrutiny. Determination of school curriculums serving a different agenda. The programming of our thinking. As the manipulation is undermining scripture. Being told how and what to believe. Molding and shaping our opinions to become what they desire them to be. Furthering some unknown agenda. Keeping our responses, our reactions to what is happening in the world under control.
Fighting the Controls
Many years later the mother of a friend was also commenting similarly about the devil. She alleged that the security measures at the apartment complex where her son lived were the devil. He lived in a gated community. Once again I thought she was a fanatic. No idea what she could be talking about? I could not understand the philosophy behind her position at the time. I was not ready to hear her…However, I think that it was the influences of “the world” she was fighting. She feared their control over her son. And prevented her ability to come and go as she saw fit. They were keeping her out and keeping him inside. She could not reach him if she needed to protect him. Though it seemed over protective it was a reasonable fear.
Confusion of the Minds
Blind World?

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Manipulation of a Perception
There is a realization that we only perceive what is normal to us based on our own experiences and understanding. For example if we have never seen a world lets say that curtails women’s rights we tend to perceive the world like things have always been just as they are today. Even the definition of what we mean is changed. We do not understand the struggle for equality that went on for decades before us in a meaningful way. The past struggles seem unimportant to us because we have never experienced a world where those rights did not exist. Manipulation to cause us not to focus on keeping the rights. And allowing someone with an agenda to remove them. Allowing progress in the other direction. As a good example of the concept.
Apathy Replacing Empathy
Flooding the media with reality TV shows that demonstrate the decadence of what the world has become. There is desensitization of suffering and pain. Elements of cruelty broadcast on TV, over the internet to get traffic and though once appalling now considered acceptable by society, sometimes even admired. Apathy replacing Empathy. And because the new generation does not understand the one before no one even knows that it is changing so drastically…A Blind World?
Shining Light on Darkness
As I moved closer and sought God in my worship and in my heart, suddenly my eyes were opened. I recognize there is a dark shadow that is cast over things I thought were “normal” only a few years ago. The evil can be felt when it is near if you are sensitive to the truth. It may be in someone’s words or actions. It almost takes away the breath…
Dark is Light but Light is Dark
Blind World?

Isaiah 5:20-21 (KJV)
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
Good is Now Bad
I can see that what should be good is being perceived as bad. For example, Christianity in the schools and government, Caring for the poor, the homeless and the elderly. We hear the argument, “Aren’t there programs for those kinds of things, someone will take care of them.” Or the position that marriage should be between one man and one woman. There are the arguments “It is not politically correct to believe that way, everyone should have the same rights.” Or how about saving one’s self for marriage.
There will be the position that this idea is an outdated concept. It goes on and on. Most of you reading this will have no idea what I am talking about because “the world” has taught us that it is normal. Now I guess I will be perceived as the fanatic, but I am not. What is happening around us is real. A blind world?
Bad is Now Good
I can also see that what should be bad is good. For example, prenuptial agreements before a marriage so that when you get divorced your finances are protected. What happened to till death do us part? The attraction to pornography, Sexual deviance, adultery and fornication. How about fortune telling, Horoscopes and Mysticism. Changes in acceptable attitudes like Ignoring our elderly in nursing homes or orphans in the foster care systems. Ideas that birth control and abortion are acceptable behaviors. People around the world starving, there is famine while we throw away plates of uneaten food at restaurants without a thought. As we are shown starving children, impoverished nations and persecution we turn away easily when the telethons are broadcasting. There is so much more…A blind world?
Truth in the Light
Blind World?
The Science Fiction Movie being used to illustrate my point is “They Live” with Roddey Piper (a famous wrestler). Plot of the movie expressed a theme about the truth being exposed through an extraordinary means.
The Science Fiction movie “They Live” is NOT being endorsed as Faith appropriate cinema! It is simply being referenced as an example to the point of the content message.
Seeing the Truth
We know what is right, it is just that we walk around most of the time complacent, consumed in our lives. We must act before it is too late. It is like the Science Fiction Movie referenced above as a great example. There were aliens among us that no one could see. The conditions in the world kept slowly deteriorating. The people began to notice something was going on, but too late. Increasing numbers of the homeless. Searching for work was not fruitful. Uneven distribution of wealth. The rich kept getting richer. The poor kept getting poorer. Finally development of a method to identify the truth. The resistance made some sunglasses that made everyone able to see what happened. See the aliens and how they were programming and controlling the minds of the people. I wish it could be that simple for us.
I think our sunglasses are the Holy Spirit, who opens our eyes to the truth when we are ready to pay attention to what is being shown to us in a blind world.
The Bridge
I recently heard a sermon by Pastor Greg Laurie and in it he was using a parable about signs. (Shout Out: Thank you to Pastor Greg Laurie @ Harvest Ministries). He said you are driving down the highway and there are signs posted along the side of the road that say Warning the bridge is out ahead. But you say oh its ok I will be fine and you keep on going forward. Then there is another sign, warning bridge out, but you say oh I can handle it I am in control and you continue forward at an even faster pace, finally another sign says WARNING Bridge out and boom, you go over the edge falling into the darkness below. No amount of speed or momentum is going to get you across when that bridge is out.
If you want to go to Hell you can, even if you have to climb over Jesus to do it.
I found his message very powerful…
Will Not Fall
Blind World?

Matthew 7:24-27 (KJV)
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Two Powers
My grandmother used to say, there are two powers in the universe and the way you can tell the difference is simple; one power takes the credit for itself while the other power makes you feel that power is yours…That is profound if you think about it. A very clear equation to determine what is really happening.
There Must be a Battleground
I began to realize that there are influences at play. As I became more spiritual through prayer and study it became more clear. There is a strong presence of evil in the world around us. Stronger than I have ever known before. There is temptation each and every day to become as the world has become. But there must be a battleground, we must draw a line in the sand and say no more! We must draw the sword and stand firm.
The House built on a Rock
So now as I am walking the path this life leads me down my eyes are open. I can feel the darkness as it approaches, you need only open your eyes and your heart. And when it comes forward into my path, I walk around it where I can or fight it where I must. But we must stand up, open our eyes and stand firm on what we know to be right. For a man who builds his house on sand will lose it and great is the fall of it. But the man who builds his house on the rock has a house that will not fall. Build it on the Rock!
God Grants Wisdom
Blind World?

Matthew 24:42-44 (KJV)
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Prophetic Signs?
The darkness that has finally been perceived around us raises questions. The deterioration of the moral compass in “the world” suggests some prophetic signs of the end times. There are many publications and videos on the subject. It is easy to get caught up in the fear that the end is near. I have my opinions about that subject but I have come to believe the determination is not the issue. What is important is how we handle what we have learned. How we handle ourselves in our walk in this world.
Christians Keeping Focus
Pastor Matthew Hagee of Cornerstone Church had an informed perspective on all the attention to the end times prophecies. If we understood him correctly he was discouraging putting too much emphasis on all the prophetic symbolism. Instead advocating that what was important was making sure we are following the divine commission and making sure we are ready for Christ to return! I must agree that the intrigue that is created by figuring out the puzzle in Revelation and the excitement of concepts like the Movie “Left Behind” can become all consuming.
Give the World Sight
Remember that the focus should not be on WHAT will happen in “the world.” The focus should be HOW we can change peoples lives with the message of salvation. It should also be on bettering ourselves in our walk with God so that we are ready to be called into the battle.
To that I continue to say we must wake up and look around. The more people we can make aware the better chance there is to give the world Sight in a Blind World.

Mark 16:15 (KJV)
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
For the Love of God,