Halloween Dangers
Halloween Dangers
a Poem by Aglow

Dark and chilly the night did fall, and children were playfully dressed
Their little souls lie in mortal danger, the perils one never would guess’

The demons were scheming and set out on the prowl,
To capture souls for Satan who snarled with a growl.
*Sam Hain is the honored guest of this night, Of witches, and demons and horrible fright
The evils that lurk and cannot be seen, Are the factual truths behind Halloween

But as Christians we seek the Bright Morning Star
He’s always beside us to protect from alarm
The evils that try to steal our souls, Can’t touch us “cause Jesus has the control
Our eyes are upon HIM, His wonderous Grace,
Someday in Glory we’ll all take our place

With HIS arms stretched around us, He claims “These are Mine”
Such Rapture, such splendor, such a feeling divine
To know that while evil may lurk here on Earth Our King in Glory gave my life worth
So Halloween night can belong to the grave
“Cause Jesus my life and my soul He has Saved!

Thank you Jesus
God Bless You
NOTE: SamHain pronounce (sow in) is a Celtic festival celebrated on October 31. On this night it was believed ghosts of the dead returned to the Earth.
Love this, Michele!❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️
thank you