The “OnFire Cafe” Book Club series “The Study of Scripture”. Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series. Join us here for a Narration Trilogy on “The Book of Hebrews”. We Conclude it here with The Book of Hebrews – Part Three. The Videos contain the narration of the Chapters with images for your entertainment. The series is being uploaded on all the “OnFire Cafe” Channels for easy access.
The Letter to the Hebrews Concludes
Summary; The Book of Hebrews – Part Three
Hebrews 11, Hebrews 12 & Hebrews 13
The Exemplary Faith of our Ancestors
Defining faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. To understand the worlds were framed by the Word of God and that Faith is required to please God.
Citing examples of Scriptural Faith;

- Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain
- Enoch was translated that he should not see death
- Noah prepared the ark for threat unseen
- Abraham led his people out to an unknown place and when required offered his son as sacrifice to God
- Sarah received strength and received seed beyond her years
- Jacob on his deathbed blessed the sons of Joseph
- Joseph on his deathbed mentioned the departing of the children of Israel
- Parents hid Moses to save him
- Moses matured refusing to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter, kept the passover protecting the firstborn and Parted the Red Sea
- The walls of Jericho Fell
- The Harlot Rahab was saved
Through faith so many examples exist that there is not the time to list them all. Faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, and stopped the mouths of lions. Faith “Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, and turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” The dead are raised to life again.
Moving to discussion of some of the consequences. Some are tortured not accepting deliverance to protect their eternal salvation. Others endure mockings, scourgings, bonds and imprisonment. They are stoned, tempted, slayed with the sword. Wandering about destitute in sheepskins and goatskins, afflicted, tormented. They wander in deserts, in mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.
All of whom obtaining God’s favor through Faith.
The Example of Jesus Christ
We have before us so many examples of faith and so many witnesses. Let us put aside the weight and sin. Let us be patient and look to Jesus who endured the cross. He endured such contradiction of sinners unto himself.
God’s Fatherly Instruction
Exhortation spoken to us as those words spoken unto children we have already forgotten. So do not be angered by correction by God. Do not falter in your faith when you receive punishment For God corrects you as his child would be corrected. He will punish you as he would his children. He corrects us out of his Love for us.
We have earthly fathers who correct us when we stray from what is right. They punish us and we give them our respect. Is it not much more to be corrected by our heavenly father guiding us toward our eternal life? And though it is difficult when it happens it will become so much more if we heed our warnings and find the peace of righteousness.

Unfaithfulness is Punished
God warns us to follow peace and holiness to see the Lord. Do not fail the grace of God lest bitterness spring up and lead to sins; fornication and profanity. And what would have been a blessing can lead to God’s rejection finding you no place for repentance.
The Two Covenants
For ye are not come unto the mount that burns with fire that might be touched. Nor to blackness and darkness and tempest. The trumpet sounded and the voice was heard but they requested that the words be spoken to them no more. They did not follow what was commanded.
But the faithful come unto Mount Sion and the city of the living God, The Heavenly Jerusalem. The General Assembly and the Church of the Firstborn which are written in heaven. To God the Judge of all and the Spirits of just men made perfect. And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant.
So see that you do not refuse the word of God. Do not refuse faith in the Son who has given himself for sin. Wherefore we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved and let us have grace. Serving God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear.

Final Recommendations
Continue to love one another and open your door to strangers. Don’t forget that Angels have come to you in the form of strangers. Remember and help those in bond and who suffer adversity.
Avoid the temptations of sin like becoming whoremongers, adulterers, or covetousness rather than being satisfied with what you have. And you can boldly say that you have faith in the Lord and do not fear what man can do to you.
Remember those who have ruled over you and taught you the word of God. Whose faith you have followed as they have spoken it to you to consider. Do not be confused by diverse or strange doctrines that are introduced because the Lord is the same yesterday and today. Establish your heart with Grace.
Jesus has shed his own blood in payment for sin. Though here we have no city we seek one to come. Let us offer our sacrifice of continuous praise to God. But do good and to communicate as well, for it is also pleasing to God.
Obedience to Religious Leaders
Obey your religious leaders for they are watching out for your soul. It is to your advantage that they give account with Joy and not with Grief. And pray for us all.

News, Good Wishes and Greetings
God, who raised Jesus from the dead, through the blood of the everlasting covenant makes us perfect to do his will. Who can now work in us that which is well pleasing in his sight.
Salute all them that have the rule over you and all the saints…

We hope you enjoyed our last episode in our Trilogy The Book of Hebrews, concluding here with the The Book of Hebrews – Part Three. For me this Book of Hebrews will require much further study as I struggled with interpretation of portions of it in the King James version. I think it requires review of some of the other translated versions to help with further study. However, I learned a lot putting together the series and I hope you find knowledge in this Trilogy as well.
For the Love of God,