The “OnFire Cafe” Book Club series “The Study of Scripture”. Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series “The Seven Letters to Christians” finishing with Part 5 – “The Book of Jude”. Join us here. The Video contains the narration of the Chapters with images for your entertainment. The series is being uploaded on all the “OnFire Cafe” Channels for easy access.
The Letter of Jude
The Reason for this Letter

Jude begins by explaining that he is the brother of James and servant of Christ. He feels compelled to write about the need for salvation. He speaks of men of old, ungodly men denying God and Christ.
The False Teachers; The Certainty of Punishment
He sends a reminder a warning that God does not abide men such as these. That God destroyed those unbelievers who persecuted his people.
He also reminds us that even the angels were cast out of their home and bound in chains when they challenged the power and sovereignty of God.
Their Violent Language

In addition he adds a reminder regarding Sodom and Gomorrha. He suggests that their are cities in proximity that were similar. The behaviors are listed as fornication and pursuit of strange flesh. There is reference to God making an example of them with the suffering of eternal fire.
There is discussion concerning how the archangel Michael handled a dispute with the devil about Moses, he spoke the Lord rebuke thee.
Their Vicious Behavior
The letter continues with a description of the behaviors and the resulting greed, excess and hypocrisy. He goes on to describe some analogies to show the barrenness of their hearts. And the resulting darkness.
He continues by reminding us of a prophecy by Enoch about the coming of the Lord with tens of thousands of his saints to execute judgment on the ungodly. And reminds us of all the ungodly speeches intended to influence becoming a part of that judgment.
Describing the type of individual involved and how they are recognized through their behaviors.
A Warning

Jude reminds us of the words which were spoken before the Apostles. A warning that there would be those who mocked the message of salvation. Those who would walk in their ungodly behaviors. Those who have separated themselves from the Spirit.
The Duties of Love
Building up our faith is the first thing he brings up. Expressing the need to pray, praying in the Holy Ghost. He tells us to stay in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our savior Christ to bring us to eternal life.
Advising us to have compassion and to make a difference. He says some must be saved with fear but must be pulled out of the fire.

He then directs us back to the savior who keeps us from falling, who washes us clean with his blood and who made us faultless before the Heavenly Father. He proclaims that Christ is the only wise God our Savior. Going on to express words of worship to conclude.
There are some very important points Jude makes here. He gives us insight into the potential sinful nature of man. Warning us very clearly of the consequences of such sin. But he also gives us the answer in salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Reminding us that Jesus Christ is the one who can make us faultless before the heavenly Father.
I would recommend multiple reviews of the Book of Jude as it appears relevant in the current times that we are facing. Never forget who has the ultimate power, it is Almighty God! To God be the Glory!
For the Love of God,