Let’s explore the Parable of The Net. It is a warning that judgement and retribution is coming for those who have not accepted Salvation. Jesus warns us that at the end there will be a sorting of souls and that those who remain in sin will be cast into the fire. They will endure great suffering.

Matthew 13:47-50
47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:
48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Fishing Net is God’s Kingdom
The Net
The Net is God’s Kingdom
Jesus begins with a comparison of God’s Kingdom to The Net. He is making the comparison of a fishing net that is thrown out into the sea. And the net catches a multitude of a variety of fish. He makes it clear that we are all different. Some of us are sincere in our walk with God and sincere in our commitment. Some of us are false prophets who are doing the work of the enemy. And some of us are just lost.
The message of Salvation is like the net also. The multitude variety who are caught in the net are the people of the world. And as the message is spread throughout the world the people hear it and are offered Salvation in the Net of God’s Kingdom.
All Can Be Saved
Jesus also suggests a timing issue here as he references that all the people of the world are in the Net right now. Casting the net now completed, the invitation for salvation extended. All the people have been caught in the net and all of us have something serious to consider. This suggests that at the time the net has been cast no one is rejected or removed from within it.
Offering salvation to everyone through the blood of Jesus Christ. It does not matter what you have done. It does not matter who you think you are or who you have been. Jesus has extended the invitation to you. Come let him love you like you have never been loved. Let him hold you and protect you. Let him make a new person in you so that you can finally be free.
The Sorting of Fish
But there comes a time when the offer of Salvation comes to an end. Jesus says that when the nets are full they drew to shore. Sorting fish good from bad based upon the decision by the fishermen. The fishermen are ultimately God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. After all we that are sharing the message of salvation are but servants of the fishermen.

The bad fish who are cast away are those who worship the way of “the world”. Who have established their values based on the common theme that the world has taught them. Those who have committed their life to sin. For without salvation through Jesus Christ we are all living in sin. And sin God the Father can not look upon.
The good fish are those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who accepted the message of Salvation and embraced the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Washed clean of their sin through the blood of Jesus Christ and God the Father can now look upon them.
So Shall it be at the End
Then Jesus interprets his parable for the people himself. He tells us that at the end of the world the Angels will come and severe the wicked from the just.
He is comparing the wicked to the bad fish. Those who put their faith in themselves and the way of the world. Those who have fallen prey to the enemy’s lies of their own self importance. Believing that they are justified in pursuit of self above salvation.
He is comparing the just to the good fish. Those who have accepted the message of salvation. And those who have accepted Jesus and tried to repent of their sin. Those who are trying to walk the path of obedience to God. And yes sometimes the just will stumble or fall. But Jesus is there to pick them up, dust them off and guide them back to the path…
The Consequences of Rejection
Jesus then warns of the consequences of rejection of salvation. He warns that at the end the Angels will cast the wicked into the furnace of fire. And there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
This is a serious warning from Jesus. He is letting us know that at some point the door of opportunity to be saved will close. That once the opportunity for salvation ends there will be a price. Souls cast away with the rejection of salvation. Cast into the torment of the fires. They will be begging for mercy in their torment. But the time for salvation will have ended and they will be left to their fate.
Jesus does not tell us these things because he wants to hurt us. He is telling us while there is still time to be saved. His kindness and love is greater than any man can give us. He gave his life just so he could give us the opportunity to be with him. That is how much he loves us. He was willing to suffer the torment on Earth and to die for our sin. He is reaching for us, and warning us to come to salvation before it is too late…

#8 The Gospel of Thomas
(non-canonical Gospel)
(8) (1) And he says: “The human being is like a sensible fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea filled with little fish.
(2) Among them the sensible fisherman found a large, fine fish.
(3) He threw all the little fish back into the sea, (and) he chose the large fish effortlessly.
(4) Whoever has ears to hear should hear.”
Fishing Net is Man’s Heart
The Net
The interpretation of The Gospel of Thomas is just one idea about the meaning that he has put forth. However, it seemed the most reasonable based on his summary…
Different Summary from Thomas
Thomas appears to have interpreted the parable of the net a bit differently. His accounts of what Jesus taught were not necessarily a result of a first hand narrative. The Gospel of Thomas is rumored to have been a collection of the teachings of Jesus from those who heard him. A collection from those who shared his messages. It is rumored that is why is it was not canonical.
The Gospel of Thomas accounts the parable of the Net discussing the fisherman casting his net and catching a plentiful group of small fish. But upon closer inspection discovers one fine large fish which is of greater value. It is an easy choice to take the one of Great Value and return the small fish back to the sea.
The Fisherman is Man
In this Gospel it appears that the fisherman is mankind. And the casting of his net represents mans quest for his purpose and his attempt to find his way through life. His attempt to find who he is and what he needs to do. His exploration to determine what his choices might be.
The Net is Man’s Heart
Casting the net to capture the choices. Casting it out widely into the sea. It will hold that which man would consider. Keeping it from drifting away before he has a chance to decide. And sometimes the man is wise and sometimes the man is foolish but the net holds his choices. And man is free to choose.

The Sea is the World
The net is cast into the sea. The sea is the world. And it holds many things from which to choose. The sea is vast in its mystery and limitless in it’s choices. And the sea is full of the choices which man seeks. But the sea is also treacherous and filled with deceit. Making it difficult for the fisherman.
The Fish are Man’s Choices
So the fisherman pulls up his net and what he finds at first is a net full of little fish. This represents the many trials and disappointments we face in life. The choices of the world. The pursuit of self as the primary purpose. All those things that man seeks to make himself happy.
The Fish of Great Value
But then the fisherman notices a large fine fish. A fish of great value. So he casts back all the little fish in favor of the fish of great value. In this interpretation the fish of great value is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. The acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The acceptance of his blood as the price for our sin and for our freedom.
And the wise fisherman acknowledges it was an easy choice and throws all the little fish back into the sea. He has chosen in favor of the one large fish of Great Value. The acceptance of the Gift of Salvation…

And For those who have ears to hear, Let them hear…
For The Love of God,