A few years ago I heard the phrase “being too Heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.” This really made me think. Am I so out of it that I cannot reach people around me? Am I using Heaven to just skate through life?
I thought we are supposed to be Christ-like and He came to earth for us. He walked among sinners of this world but He never ever became earthly minded. Jesus maintained His authority even here on Earth. We are just pilgrims passing through. Earth was never meant to be our home. We are to be in the world not of the world.
22 Abstain from all appearance of evil. 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible says Christians are peculiar people. Of course the world will think us strange because most are not wallowing in the pig pen of sin. We try to raise our standards of living to be a light that shines for the Lord.
So when I hear the phrase “being too Heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.” I say, I’m glad that I’m not so earthly minded that I’m not Heavenly good. I choose to put my focus on my King. I choose to praise the One who died for me and saved me from my sins. I’m thrilled to know that I am REDEEMED.
So if that makes me no earthly good I say Hallelujah. If that makes me peculiar for Jesus I say You betcha. I proudly wear the labels of Jesus Freak, Bible Thumper, Religious Fanatic. I’m not religious I’m Faithful. Religion is something you do often. I brush my teeth religiously but I worship Jesus. Big Difference.
My question is: How can you be too Heavenly minded? I believe it to be impossible.
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
How can we go wrong keeping our focus on Christ? Remember when Peter walked on water to meet Jesus. He was fine as long as he kept his eyes on the Lord. The minute he looked away he started to sink.
So if someone tells me that I am too Heavenly minded to be any earthy good, I am going to get excited and say Thank you because I know I am on the right track…

Where your treasure is there your heart is also
Hmmmm……..Are you Heavenly minded? Are you Earthly minded? Where is your treasure?
God Bless You