Valuable Pearl
The parable of the Pearl. Let’s explore the Valuable Pearl an interpretation of the story from two different perspectives.
A pearl is formed by an irritant that gets inside the oyster, mussel or clam shell. the oyster secretes a fluid to coat the irritant The oyster does this multiple times until a pearl is formed.
This made me think that we live in this world of sin. All the irritants that work their way into our soul. But not of our own power but by the precious blood of the Lamb; that irritant is coated, covered and forgiven.
Matthew 13:45-46
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it
The Gospel of Thomas 76:1-3
(Please note that the Gospel of Thomas is considered non canonized scripture.)
Jesus said:
“The kingdom of the Father is like a merchant
who had merchandise and found a pearl. That merchant is prudent. He sold the goods (and) bought for himself the pearl alone. You too look for his treasure which does not perish,(and) which stays where no moth can reach it to eat it, and no worm destroys it.

Heaven is the most valuable treasure we can obtain, we can only obtain it by surrendering all we have. If we hold tight to the things we have on earth we can miss out on the true treasure. Jesus is where our heart is found. Jesus is the merchant who went to the ultimate extreme for our redemption.
Matthew 6:21
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Earthly treasure lose their value. Gold and silver can tarnish and fade, Heaven however, is the Precious Pearl. Its value can never be corrupted. Its beauty will never fade.
This reminds me of a picture I saw on the internet.

Jesus is speaking to a little girl who is clutching a small teddy bear.
Jesus is holding out his hand for her to give the small bear to him.
The little girl is saying,” But I love it”
What she cannot see is that Jesus is holding a much larger, nicer teddy bear for her.
All she had to do was surrender her earthly treasure.
How many of us are the little girl?
How often do we miss the larger teddy bear
The verses from Thomas made me see the story of the pearl from a different view. This was of man seeking Heaven. Where we as Christians are seeking a treasure that never perishes and neither worm nor moth could destroy it.
But the most known view of this story is that the church was the fine pearls. Jesus is the merchant. We are of great value to HIM. He went to the cross and lovingly gave his life to purchase our salvation. He sought us and paid the ultimate price for us. I believe that even if it was for just ONE “pearl” Jesus would still have went to the cross for that lost soul.
Where is your treasure?
How humbling to know that the King of all Kings, Left his throne in Heaven to seek this pearl.
God Bless You